Entrepreneurial and Business Society Orientation - 2016
October 03, 2016
Lahore School Entrepreneurial and Business Society had its orientation on 23 September 2016. It was an open event for students irrespective of their study year and degree. Prof. Fareed A Fareedy, Mr. Faizan Khalid and former presidents also attended the event.
Prof. A Fareedy, Faizan Shahid, Moiz Hijazi and Hamza Tariq shared their experiences and perspectives about entrepreneurship.
The society basically provides a platform for the students to be young entrepreneurs and think outside the box. This year, the society intends to have various events which would help them broaden their mind and thinking in the field of business.
Labels: Entrepreneurial and Business Society, Orientation
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/03/2016 04:15:00 PM,
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