Lahore School PhD Economics Students Attend Research Workshop in Switzerland
October 02, 2017
A batch of four PhD students of the Department of Economics (Farah Said, Maryiam Haroon, Nida Jamil and Zunia Saif Tirmazee) from the Lahore School of Economics visited the University of St. Gallens (Switzerland) in Summer 2017 to attend a two week Global School in Empirical Research Methods (GSERM) workshop. GSERM is a distinguished integrated program for PhD students, postdocs and practitioners from leading universities all over the world offering a course-based learning experience. Our participants got an opportunity to learn at a great place and to meet people from throughout Europe and elsewhere. Participants chose to enroll in Structural Equation Modeling I and II, Experimental Methods for Behavioral Science and Econometrics of Big Data from over 100 different courses (one course per week, 4 ECTS each). Our students found it to be a unique experience giving them a lot of new insights in their respective fields of research and an attractive opportunity to interact with their fellow students and professors.
Labels: GSERM, Lahore School, Research
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/02/2017 08:56:00 AM,
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