Lahore School of Economics

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Women on Wheels Presentation at Lahore School of Economics

Representatives of the Women on Wheels Program of the Chief Minister’s Strategic Reforms Unit presented at the Lahore School of Economics on Thursday 18th January 2018. They discussed the launch of the Motorbike Subsidy Scheme that would provide training to women to learn to ride a motorbike and purchase the bike’s at the subsidized rate. The team has collaborated with the City Traffic Police and The Bank of Punjab to make this scheme possible. The custom made pink motorbikes are being provided to women across Punjab to empower and encourage them to become more mobile and independent. The presenters also shared a few success stories of women riding motorcycles helping their families with transportation. Currently about 1200 women between ages of 18 to 40 are registered with the Women on Wheels program.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1/24/2018 02:46:00 PM,

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