Managing Hybrid Business Models in a Developing Economy
February 13, 2020
Lahore School Management Society organized a corporate speaker session titled “Managing Hybrid Business Models in a Developing Economy” for both undergraduate and postgraduate students on 12th February 2020. Mr. Ayub Ghauri is the executive director at Netsol Technologies, head of NSPIRE and CEO of Hospitall was the guest speaker.
The purpose of the session was to enlighten students about the current opportunities and challenges of a hybrid business model. According to Peter Drucker – “A business model is supposed to answer who your customer is, what value you can create/add for the customer and how you can do that at reasonable costs.” Currently, the business model is the core of the strategy of firms. With the advent of disruptive innovation, the conventional business models have evolved over a period of years. In current times, the businesses are moving away from linear or conventional business models to hybrid business models. The businesses of the developing economies are also not far behind. In this context, Mr. Ayub Ghauri has explicated a hybrid business model through the example of Hospitall - a health-tech startup that aims to connect health service providers with the customers. This platform enables service providers to create value for their customers at reasonable costs.
Mr. Ayub Ghauri recalls being a student himself and encourages the students that failures are parts of life and these misfortunes should not demotivate you. He explained that we need hybrid business models because this era has brought the cyber revolution. Hence, it is very important to adapt to succeed in this ever changing milieu. The session was concluded after an extensive question answer session with the active participation from the students.
Labels: Lahore School Management Society
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/13/2020 03:53:00 PM,
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