Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Campus Community

Students need some place to come together, some place to have shared experiences, some place to congregate. At the Lahore School you can notice at all while walking from a dorm to your classes or from the main gate to auditoriums. More facilities are coming up all the time.

Lahore School is not just a category “A” university in the country -- it is a collection of highly specialized and valued programs. The School has an unparalleled Main Campus -- campus walkways, auditoriums, administrative cottages, and the sports complex are all close to each other. Have a closer look and you find that the School has taken a closer look at how it can build educational community through geography.

Spaces where students meet socially, like the café or the gym, create more social coherence. If one stays with the same group of students for the duration of the whole course, it is like selling the experience short. There could be someone very, very interesting in the next class, or in the junior class.

Students who are involved in fraternities and societies have a stronger connection to the University and a better experience for practical life. Involvement at the University is like a small reminder of practical life. And while the University does many things to help students to get involved while on the Campuses, every one agrees that the best way is this: But students have to take the initiative to widen their own fraternities, they have to get involved in the School societies.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11/18/2004 01:05:00 PM,

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104 - C, Gulberg III,

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Burki Road

Lahore, Pakistan.

Phones: 37254099, 37254311

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