Lahore School of Economics -- Category "A" University
November 13, 2004
Federal government has declared the Lahore School of Economics as a Category “A” University. Higher Education Commission has certified that the Lahore School meets the criteria as laid down by the Federal Government.
This decision is based upon the education system in the Lahore School that is more relevant to the real life, needs and aspirations of the nation, qualitative improvement of education to respond to an expanding market economy and quantitative expansion based on the manpower needs, with a direction on equalization of educational opportunities.
This decision is based upon the education system in the Lahore School that is more relevant to the real life, needs and aspirations of the nation, qualitative improvement of education to respond to an expanding market economy and quantitative expansion based on the manpower needs, with a direction on equalization of educational opportunities.
Labels: About, Lahore School
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11/13/2004 10:46:00 AM,
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