The Second Intra Lahore School Model United Nations (MUN) Conference Concludes
April 30, 2007
Three days Second Intra Lahore School MUN Conference concluded on April 28, 2007.
The Conference consisted of six sessions per committee, spanning over a period of three days.
Three Committees were assigned to students. World Trade Orgaization was chaired by Wassi Ur Rehman and Sohaib Shahid. The issues discussed were: Minimum Labor Standards - How can countries tackle forced labor, child labor and sexual discrimination? Do we tend to give too much leverage to minorities, women and the chronically poor?
United Nation Development Program Commette was chaired by Aized and Zain Tanveer and the topic of discussion was “the world's water and sanitation crisis needed a Global Action Plan. The delegates from “Iran”, “Sri Lanka” and “Pakistan” raised different sanitation issues of their countries.
Labels: Debates
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/30/2007 12:47:00 PM,
HSBC Bank Pakistan Visits Lahore School of Economics
By Saman Khan
Labels: Placement
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/30/2007 10:24:00 AM,
Third Annual Confrere on Management of Pakistan Economy (Economic Reforms: The Road Ahead)
April 26, 2007
On May 2, 2007, the inaugural session will be chaired by Dr. Ishrat Hussain. Dr. Nadeem ul Haque, Shahid Kardar M. Ashraf Janjua and Dr. Nadeem ul Haq will present their papers on “Restructuring of the Government – Challenges and Options.”
“Human Development and Industrial Competitiveness” will be discussed in the second session. Javed Masud, Mehak Ejaz, Dr. A R Kamal, Dr. Theresa Chaudhry and Shamyla Chaudhry will present papers and the session that will be chaired by Sartaj Aziz.
On May 3, 2007, the first session on “Financial Sector Restructuring” will be chaired by Dr. Naveed Hamid. Speakers include Dr. Shakil Faruqi, Muhammad Arshad Khan and Dr. Abdul Qayum.
Fasih-ud-Din, Dr. Naveed Zia Khan, Samina Shabir, Reema Kazmi, Dr. Azam Chaudhry, Kalim Haider and Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad, will deliberate on “Industrial Trade” in the concluding session that will be chaired by Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad.
Labels: Annual Conference, Pakistan Economy
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/26/2007 01:15:00 PM,
The Muslim Civilization: A Dialogue
April 24, 2007
In an opening address Dr. Shahid Amjad Chaudhry, the Rector Lahore School of Economics gave an overview of common cultural, historic and religious bonds between Spain and Pakistan. Dr. Rafael Bueno gave a presentation on “Muslim Spain’s Contribution to Civilization” and Dr. Pere Vilanova on “Spiritual and Cultural Pluralism: a Global Problem or Common Asset.”
Dr. Attiya Inayatullah conducted a detailed and very informed Questions and Answers Session that followed the presentations.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/24/2007 08:00:00 AM,
Lahore School of Economics (Centre for Research) International Conference on Globalization and Governance
April 23, 2007
Labels: Globalization and Governance, Research
Read More
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/23/2007 08:00:00 AM,
Comparative Assessment of Impacts of Exxon Valdez and Tasman Spirit Spillage
April 22, 2007
The abstrct of the case is as follows:
"A study for the comparative assessment of impacts of Exxon Valdez and Tasman Spirit was carried out. The study was based on secondary data collected from the literature available in different libraries, on-line journals and reports framed by different study groups. The comparison of the data with reference to the quantity of oil spilled, areas on which the spilled oils spread and socio-economic damages caused to human, animal and plant life revealed that though the areas affected and the quantity of the crude oil spilled by the Valdez incident was larger, the incident of Tasman Spirit was more disastrous. It directly involved human lives in very large number. The impact of Tasman incident on employment and marine life were also greater as compared to the Valdez incident."
Labels: Exxon Valdez, Oil Spill, Tasman Spirit
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/22/2007 12:22:00 PM,
Lahore School of Economics (Centre for Research) International Conference on Globalization and Governance
April 20, 2007
The main objective of the conference is to highlight the problems faced by Pakistan arising from globalization after 2005 and devolution after Local Government Ordinance 2001. Three sessions on Poverty, Governance, and Education will be held.
Labels: Annual Conference, Research
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/20/2007 11:01:00 AM,
Lahore School of Economics International Conference on Globalization and Governance
April 18, 2007
Research papers will be presented as under:
Session I (Poverty)
Salman Ahmad: A comparative analysis of social indicators of towns in Lahore
Abo ul Hassan: Education and Poverty alleviation in Pakistan
Kalim Hyder: Poverty, Income distribution and social development in Lahore
Session II (Governance)
Mohammad A Qadeer: Urbanization, Globalization and initiatives and lags in Pakistan.
Riaz Hassan: Religion and Governance in a Globalizing world
Khurram Nawaz : Factors affecting good governance in Pakistan
Muneer Ahmad: Representation, Participation and empowerment: Assessment of Devolution in UC Bhangali
Muhammad Rafiq: Benefit cost analysis of banning two-stroke rickshaws in Lahore
Session III (Education)
Dhruv Raina: Challenges of Science Education
Irfan Habib: Perspectives on the Globalization of Science in India
Inayatullah: The changes in the Degree qualification of University teachers in Pakistan.
Anis Alam: Higher education in the age of Neo-Liberalism
Mazhar ul Haq: Determinants of Enrollment in Primary Education
Labels: Research
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/18/2007 02:49:00 PM,
The Head of Human Resources Maersk Pakistan Ltd Visits Lahore School of Economics
April 14, 2007
By Saman Khan
Labels: Placement
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/14/2007 12:19:00 PM,
Nestle Pakistan Ltd. visited Lahore School of Economics
April 13, 2007
Labels: Placement
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/13/2007 12:24:00 PM,
Language, Gender and Power
April 12, 2007
Labels: Research
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/12/2007 12:30:00 PM,
Clash of Cultures
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/12/2007 12:28:00 PM,
The Second Intra Lahore School Model United Nations (MUN) Conference - Committees
April 09, 2007
By Sidra Rana

To aid prospective delegates in choosing which committee to attend at the Conference, the Organizing Committee is announcing the topics for each committee. A comprehensive study guide for each committee and its respective topics will be emailed to students who register as delegates.
The Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)
Topic A: Conflict Resolution: Is a viable framework of Preemptive Action possible
Topic B: Solving a Nuclear Standoff: A South Asian Nuclear Weapon Free Zone
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Topic A: World water and sanitation crisis urgently needs a Global Action Plan
Topic B: Public-Private Partnership in Natural Resource Management
The World Trade Organization (WTO)
Topic A: Minimum Labor Standards - How can countries tackle forced labor, child labor, and sexual discrimination? Do we tend to give too much leverage to minorities, women and the chronically poor
Topic B: The link between trade and environment with the developing world’s agriculture: How could an increasing world population be fed without sustainable harm to the environment
Labels: Debates
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/09/2007 08:47:00 PM,
Annual Conference on Management of Pakistan Economy
April 04, 2007
Labels: Annual Conference, Pakistan Economy
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/04/2007 03:46:00 PM,
The Second Intra Lahore School Model United Nations (MUN) Conference
Labels: Debates
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/04/2007 02:53:00 PM,
Lahore School Shines in Soccer at LUMS Sports Gala
April 02, 2007
By Ahmad Babar and Arif Hassan
Out of the eight university teams (Lahore School of Economics, GCU, FC, LUMS, FAST, UMT, UCL and NCA) from Lahore, the Lahore School of Economics Soccer Team scored second position in the Soccer Championship at the LUMS Sports Gala held from March 19, 2007 till March 30, 2007.

The Lahore School started its campaign against NCA with a 1-1 draw. In its next match, Lahore School defeated UCL by 6-1. The final group match was a closely fought (0-0) draw with GCU.
The Lahore School continued its form in the semi-final against the host LUMS. At full time, the thriller was stalled at 4 goals each. Both teams went all out in the extra time but the score line stood un-altered. The result came down to the first and the only penalty shoot out of the tournament. Lahore School’s team, clad in red and white, downed LUMS by 5-4 in the shootout to book themselves a slot in the finals against GCU.
Lahore School’s Soccer Team:
Goal Keepers: Hassan Rehman and Usama Sher.
Defenders: Nabeel Ahmad, Nasar Ahmad, Amjad Moin, Mohtishim Javed, Umar Khan & Umar Azam.
Mid Fielders: Talal Shakeel, Shahaam Saeed, Ali Shaikh, Obaid Imtiaz & Hasnain.
Strikers: Saad Khan, Bilal Mirza, Usama Leghari & Mobeen Saeed.
Coach: Asif Kiyani (FIFA)
Labels: Sports
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/02/2007 03:44:00 PM,
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