Formalizing the Alumni Karachi Chapter
June 08, 2012
The Lahore School of Economics has been educating and training the youths to become professionals in their chosen careers for the last nineteen years. In about two decades, students who had graduated from the School have been spread out to other parts of the country (and world). The alumni met ups are purposeful events, which bring along students from different years to meet with each other to improve networking possibilities and to see how well the alumni are doing after graduating. Twenty Lahore School alumni from the Karachi Chapter got together at Fuchsia, Zamzama on Thursday, May 31 2012.
During the meet up, the alumni talked about their careers after graduating from the Lahore School, and a decision was made to formalize the Karachi Chapter. Ahmad Farid from MBA Class of 1999 was appointed the head of the Alumni Karachi Chapter, whilst Hamza bin Tariq BBA Class of 2003, Wasif Chaudhry MBA Class of 2006 and Ayesha Jamal MBA Class of 1999 decided to help him keep the chapter vibration. Some alumni also volunteered to help mentor students by offering to give grooming and interviewing skills lessons. The fruitful evening was filled with interesting discussions and what better way to have it: over a nice dinner. [Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin]
Labels: Alumni
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/08/2012 01:20:00 PM,
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