Banking in Pakistan
March 14, 2013
Mr. Sirajuddin Aziz, President, Habib Metropolitan Bank came to Lahore School of Economics to share his experience of banking with the students of MBA II on March 14, 2013. The distinguished guest started with the history of banking in Pakistan and explained how banking sector had gone through different stages since 1947. He threw light on how the sector had flourished in Pakistan over the last decade.
While talking about the different areas of banking, the speaker elaborated on Consumer banking, Corporate banking, SME financing and talked about how these sectors were performing in Pakistan. Mr. Aziz explained the students that although SME was flourishing well in Pakistan’s economy and providing employment to a large number of people, it had the highest default rate.
The guest advised the students to have the right attitude when they would start looking for employment in job market. He added that while interviewing a candidate for a position he paid most attention to his/her body language. He further added that he would always hire a person for his attitude and not for his knowledge and skill level.
At the end of the session, the speaker stressed upon students that they should never compromise their integrity at any cost and keep their minds open to new ideas. He also advised the student to project our country in a positive manner and also emphasized on the need of developing an extensive economic policy for Pakistan (Atika Zaid).
Labels: Banking Industry, Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/14/2013 03:09:00 PM,
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