Ahmed Naseem
October 29, 2014
Mr. Ahmed Naseem working at KASB Bank, was invited to the Lahore School to give a talk to the students of BBA (II) on September 13, 2014. His talk mainly focused on how to choose a career. He applauded the performance of Lahore School Alumni working in various roles in top notch organizations. This has resulted in strong demand for Lahore School graduates in job market. He advised the students not to value money when they start looking for a job. Instead they should always consider applying to an organization which is growing. Employees can only grow and develop if the organization grows.
The guest emphasized on the need of gaining practical training by doing internships during Bachelors before applying for a job and asked the students to keep their eyes open and look for opportunities. Mr. Naseem also mentioned that the students should stay in a close contact with their faculty as he believed that the teachers at the Lahore School would always be willing to guide and mentor their students and would love to see them successful. The speaker advised the students to always appear for a job interview even after getting hired as it would polish their communication skills and build more self confidence in them.
“Interviews are the best way to identify your weaknesses and strengths”, Mr. Naseem said. For students who want to go in banking sector, the speaker advised that getting into a bank’s MTO Program is the best choice for them as it will always put their growth opportunities on a fast track. He informed the students that there is a huge scope in the fields of project management and operation management for our fresh graduates.
Labels: Alumni, Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/29/2014 12:37:00 PM,
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