Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Entrepreneurial and Business Society Orientation

Lahore School Entrepreneur and Business Society had their first orientation on October 30, 2014 in SBS Library. The orientation was an open event for all students irrespective of their study year and degree. Dr. Sohail, Prof F. A. Fareedy, Mr. Haroon Ahmed, Mr Faizan Khalid and Mr Saad Shahid also attended the event.

The Society provides a platform for the students to be young entrepreneurs and think outside the box. Students would be updated of various upcoming events and activities that would broaden their mind and thinking in the field of business, to think and be like an entrepreneur as well as shape up their practical and social skills by becoming a member of such a productive society.

Prof F. A. Fareedy, Patron of the Society, shared his experience and perspective about entrepreneurship. He gave some examples from his life and teaching experience. Dr. Sohail Zafar elaborated on the concept of entrepreneurship and how to be a great entrepreneur, how to do business in complex market. Mr. Haroon, Faizan Khalid and Saad Shahid also shared their viewpoints about entrepreneur and business.

A presentation was given by the president and vice president of the Society highlighting the objectives and values of the society. Several videos were also played giving an insight about entrepreneurs, who are they and what they do. An introductory video of the council was also shown and what is their role and what is their perspective. There was an interactive question and answer session of students with the faculty which marked the end of the orientation.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11/10/2014 10:52:00 AM,

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