Lahore School of Economics

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Strategic Management

“Academic education is integral in shaping individuals to be qualified practitioners but does not guarantee the development of effective strategists; for that something needs to come from within, an idea, an inspiration, an ideology, to absorb the external stimuli and develop an inception,” said Mr. Muhammad Abrar Ameen, CEO VRG Pvt Ltd while speaking to Lahore School students while giving a lecture on November 12, 2014.

Effective strategy is congruent with effective planning. With theory, there has to be some practice. Strategic management is neither purely an art nor a science; it is an amalgamation of both. A strategist is a realist, a revolutionist who would create a new line of thinking in a different space. Strategizing is versatile; one has to take both the external and internal factors into consideration before formulating a strategy. A strategy should be one which sets precedence, one which facilitates in premium exemplary offerings for rewriting textbooks. An example of this would be of how a local organization from within Pakistan took the order of massive production of FIFA world cup footballs when China was not able to meet the demand.

It is of paramount importance to understand that an effective strategist is one who detaches himself from the moment of panic. A person is not born a strategist but he can work towards it in order to achieve what he aspires for. A prime example of this would be that of Steve Jobs. His life is massively studied worldwide but most significant when discussing strategy because he was a pioneer of creative destruction. Job’s speech addressed to the graduating class of Stanford was discussed in which he talks about learning, experience, vision and strategy and how one evolves with the bigger picture in mind in various facets of life by believing in oneself, conscious learning and innovation. Apple’s development as what it is today was studied as a case study and inspiration for believing in oneself and innovation concluded the guest lecture.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11/18/2014 11:06:00 AM,

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