Enhancing Job Interview skills
April 18, 2015
It is the right time of the academic year as students will be applying for internships and jobs. In order to orient students and prepare them for interviews, Management Society of Lahore School of Economics has conducted “Enhancing Job Interview Skills Workshop” on 8 April 2015 as a part of the corporate mentorship workshop series which are designed to train and facilitate students for their transition from campus to corporate.
This workshop was conducted by Ms. Rumessa Naqvi. The workshop started with job interview role-plays and these role-plays were conducted to highlight the dos and don’ts of a job interview. Later in the discussion, videos of mock interviews of former Lahore School student were also shown. With the help of these demonstrations of job interviews, Ms. Rumessa Naqvi reinforced the key skills for an ideal job interview.
Corporate Mentorship Workshop Series
Labels: Academic Club, Lahore School Management Society, LSMS
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/18/2015 09:35:00 AM,
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