Greece GDP Falls by 25% in Last Five Years
May 05, 2015
“In Greece the GDP fell by 25% in five years, unemployment reached 28% while public debt as percent of GDP rose to 175% reflecting mainly the collapse of output,” according to Dr. Yannos Papantoniou in a lecture delivered at the Lahore School of Economics May 5, 2015.
Dr. Papantiniou, Former Economy and Finance Minister of Greece (1994-2001) and President of the Centre for Progressive Policy Research, in his lecture “Economic Crisis in Greece and the Future of the Euro” was of the view that if talks between the lenders (ECB, IMF, and the EU) and Greece stall, Greece’s economy would sink further into recession, and social tensions would rise as living standards would register a further sharp decline.
“Greece’s never ending economic crisis revealed critical flaws and weaknesses in the eurozone’s constitution,” according to Dr. Papantiniou, who is currently a visiting Professor at the Lahore School of Economics.He was of the view that in a currency union, individual economies cannot alter their exchange rates to account for changes in relative competitiveness. The resulting price stickiness tends to delay macroeconomic stabilization and structural adjustment, leading to rising debt and unemployment in weaker economies. Without free labour mobility, fiscal transfers are the euro area’s only option to ease debt repayment and, by stimulating economic activity, boost employment.
He noted that Asia is the continent of the future, with China and India as giant economic players. The more integration within Asia, the strong it will become and Pakistan would only gain by strengthening ties with its neighbors China and India. He cautioned against moving too fast and instead take it step by step in order to minimize risks.
Labels: Greece, International Economy, Lahore School
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5/05/2015 02:48:00 PM,
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