Leading an Entrepreneurial Organization
September 18, 2014
Mr. Monis Rahman, CEO Rozee.pk – Pakistan’s leading internet-based employment advertising company, visited the Lahore School to deliver a very well-received talk on “Leading an Entrepreneurial Organization” to the MBA students on September 16, 2014.
In his interactive session he introduced his company and spoke on leadership, culture and spent half of the allocated time answering questions from motivated students. He impressed the young audience with his energy, communication skills and insights gained from a most rewarding career.
Mr. Monis’s main message to the MBAs was that leadership meant trust, credibility, integrity and transparency. These were easier said than done, and he illustrated these concepts by giving real world examples from his own experience. He spoke about team management and again gave examples from a major US company in which he had once worked. He emphasized that even if the reality of leadership was based on these values, it was the perceptions which mattered and a leader had to be a good communicator – in fact there was no leadership without communication.
He also spoke about other related issues such as how to create and maintain a culture especially when the company moved from “wartime” to “peacetime” activities. Leadership was contextual, he suggested. He also discussed the art and science of takings some hard decisions. When asked the reason for his company’s success, he replied “We never took no for an answer”.
At the end he took a selfie of the class and perhaps this picture captures best the mood of the class. Well done Mr. Monis and thanks for coming here and talking to us.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9/18/2014 11:05:00 AM,
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