Lahore School of Economics

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Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques for Differential Equations arising in Economics, Finance and Natural Sciences

Dr. Rehana Naz organized a special session in 10th AIMS conference on “Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications” held in Spain Madrid from July 7 to July 11, 2014. Mariano Torrisi (University of Catania, Italy); Igor Leite Freire (UFABC, Brazil) and Imran Naeem (LUMS, Pakistan) were also part of organizing committee. Eminent mathematicians, physicists, statisticians and economists from all over the world attended this special session. Dr. Naz has presented a paper titled “The closed form solutions of some Economic growth models via partial Hamiltonian approach.” The abstracts of all papers presented in special session can be found here.

Differential equations are mathematically studied from several different perspectives; the special session “Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques for Differential Equations arising in Economics, Finance and Natural Sciences” focused on the Qualitative and Quantitative techniques (including numerical methods) for ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, fractional differential equations, difference equations, stochastic differential equations, integro-differential equations. The differential equations play a vital role in many disciplines from natural to social sciences. Most of physical laws in natural sciences are expressed in terms of differential equations. The Economists study dynamical systems of ordinary differential equations for sustainable Economic growth. Stochastic differential equations are the standard models for financial quantities important in financial market.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/05/2014 02:44:00 PM,

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