Lahore School of Economics

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Lahore School in the Third United Asians Debating Championship

Third United Asians Debating Championship (UADC) - world’s third largest debating competition- was held in Kaula Lampur, Malaysia in which 88 international teams participated. This year Lahore School team (Wasae Imran, Ali Akbar Abbass Rizvi, and Xenia Rasul), the only representative of Pakistan, team ranked 12th in the roster of 106 teams and achieved new highest rankings for individual speakers.

The United Asian Debating Championship (UADC) is an annual debating tournament for teams from universities in Asia. It will be the largest inter-varsity Parliamentary Debate tournament in Asia, with over 600 participants. The UADC holds debates in the Asian 3-on-3 format Parliamentary Debating. The UADC, like the AUDC and the All-Asians, is held annually in May. The competition involves eight preliminary rounds, which become power-paired as the tournament progresses, matching the strongest-performing teams against each other.

The debates follow the Asian 3-on-3 format, which is a variation of the Australs format. One team (of 3 speakers each) forms the government and the other as the opposition. The process of scoring and pairing these teams is known as tabbing. The scoring of teams is done by judges, most of whom are students or former students from the competing institutions, who return ballots with their scores to the adjudication team, led by a Chief Adjudicator (CA) who is assisted by one or more deputies (DCAs).


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/14/2012 11:38:00 AM,

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