Launching a product and image creation
June 15, 2012
Sohail Aziz, Managing Director at Message Communications visited the Lahore School of Economics and gave a talk about various aspects of advertising on, June 14, 2012. Sohail Aziz addressed students of Promotions Management course and talked about different types of advertising. He differentiated between Above the Line (ATL) and Below the Line (BTL).
The talk also covered differentiation between normal advertising for products, and corporate advertising, which deals with services. In addition to that, there was a discussion on advocacy in advertising, which also helps make behavioral changes towards the image of a product or a company. Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR used by many companies in this day and age is one of the methods used to improve and build an emotional relationship between the company and the consumers.
The visual identity of a product is important, even if the consumer does not know the name of the product, Mr. Aziz mentioned, as he gave examples of how strong a visual identity makes a difference. With that he also talked about Shop Presence for a product. In between, he also talked about the process of launching a product as shown in the diagram:
The talk added practical knowledge to the theory. An interactive session followed up and students asked interesting questions. [Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin]
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/15/2012 11:21:00 AM,
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