Lahore School of Economics Photography Society organized its 2nd Annual Photography Competition from 13th March to 17th March 2016. In this competition there were total of 4 categories which included thematic concepts, monochrome photography, photo story, and photo scavenger. There were not more than two participants each team consisted of and total of 25 teams participated in the competition. Photo Scavenger hunt took place on campus where all other categories participants had an option to do anywhere in Lahore. In photo scavenger participants were given time of two hours to complete list of eleven activities.
On 17th March 2016 event photographer Osman Pervez Mughal came to give the workshop on improving techniques about framing and concept. Followed by the workshop Mr. Osman Pervez Mughal and Nikon Marketing Manager Mr. Faisal Malik judged the competition.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/26/2016 12:51:00 PM,

Dramatics Society in Lahore School of Economics organized two plays on 11th and 12th April 2016: Punjabi classical folklore Heer by Warish Shah and a farcical comedy Charley’s Aunt by Brandon Thomas.
It has been 250 years since Waris Shah’s magnum opus, Heer was written in Malka Hans, Punjab. The qissa undoubtedly stands at the centre of the Punjabi literary tradition, echoing across time, across genres, reinventing itself through the works of poetic giants such as Madhu Lal Hussain, Bulleh Shah and Sachal Sarmast. In addition to its intellectual value, Heer Waris has also had a vibrant performative life, animating Punjab’s folk tradition and consciousness through popular music and theatre. Today, the place of Heer Waris in the local imaginary is shrinking rapidly, making it more important than ever to re-visit the monumental epic to try to re-vitalise the historical cultural links which Punjab has lost.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/26/2016 12:48:00 PM,

Lahore School Sports Society organized Lahore School Sports Gala 2016 from 20 March 2016 till 25 March 2016. In this event more than 10 universities including Institute of Business Administration Karachi, Lahore University of Management Sciences, University College Lahore, CMH Medical College, King Edward Medical University, Beaconhouse National University, Akhtar Saeed Medical College, Lahore Medical and Dental College, University of Engineering and Technology, Imperial College Lahore, National University of Emerging Sciences, National College of Business and Administration participated.
In this gala there were 8 different sports which included cricket, hockey, football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis and futsal were played. Trophy was won by Lahore School of Economics whereas in Female Category the trophy was lifted by Lahore University of Management Sciences.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/26/2016 12:45:00 PM,

A Talk on the dynamics of Peace Building, Conflict Handling and General Career Counseling by Mr Hussain Nadim was organized on 14 March 2016. Mr Hussain Nadim is the Founding Director of the Peace and Development Unit at the Ministry of Planning, Development and Reforms, Government of Pakistan, an Oxford graduate and also recognized by the Forbes Magazine as one of its global leaders under the age of 30 in Law and Policy.
Labels: Campus Life, Career, Development and Reforms, Pakistan
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/26/2016 12:42:00 PM,

On 7 April 2016 Pink Ribbon in collaboration with Pakistan Higher Education Commission held Awards Ceremony in Islamabad to announce the winners of PINKtober Youth Awareness Program 2015.
Since, October is known as Breast Cancer Awareness month all over the world, Pink Ribbon Pakistan celebrates the entire month as PINKtober followed by an extensive youth awareness program. Different activities like Seminars, walks, poster competitions, panel discussions material dissemination and other events were organized to highlight the issue. The focus of the Youth Program is to spread early detection that increases more than 90% chances of survival. So far, the program has reached out to more than 640,000 girls through hundreds of academic institutions in almost 5 years. These students are sensitized on global standards and techniques of early detection, enabling them to make better healthy choices in future.
Read more »Labels: HEC, Pink Ribbon, PINKtober, Youth Awareness Program
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/26/2016 12:40:00 PM,

Lahore School Management Society sent five teams to compete at LUMS HR Confluence 2016. Successfully our students won 5 major awards.
- HR Masters winner
- HR Masters - Runners up
- Management studio winner
- Harvard Everest simulation runner up
- Pitch perfect winner
Labels: Campus Life, HRM
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/26/2016 12:37:00 PM,

Since the 1980s, and until recently, rapid globalisation — driven in part by the unprecedented pace of technological change, especially in information and communications technologies (ICT) — has allowed several developing countries (including China and India) to take advantage of these developments and achieve exceptionally high rates of economic growth, even soaring to double digits.
Unfortunately, Pakistan, which was among the 10 fastest-growing economies of the world during 1960-90, has not been one of them. This is despite the fact that, in many ways, Pakistan was a more open and globalised economy than either China or India in the early 1980s. While Pakistan’s low and declining economic growth during 1990-2015 (except for a brief spurt in 2003-06) has been the subject of considerable rumination, an important factor responsible for this outcome, ie labour productivity, has not received the attention it deserves.
Read more »Labels: IMF, Labour, Pakistan Economy, Publications
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/20/2016 09:49:00 AM,

Saturday May 7, 2016 at 10.15 am.
All recipients of the MPhil, M.Sc., MBA, MBA for Professionals, BBA (Hons.), B.Sc. (Hons.) and BS (Hons.) Degrees for the year 2014 are required to contact the School's Office (36560939 – Graduate Program / 36560916 – Bachelors Program), to register for receipt of their degrees from April 18, 2016 till May 6, 2016 from 9.00 am to 3.45 p.m.
Registration at the School Office at Burki Campus is compulsory for all candidates intending to receive degrees.
Labels: Convocation
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/13/2016 12:35:00 PM,

Let me first of all wholeheartedly congratulate on a well run conference [on
Management of Pakistan Economy] of both scientific and empirical high standards in terms of research, topical contents and style of professional presentation.
As rightly mentioned in the wrap-up to the conference,“ the quality of contributions on part of the, younger generation“ of researchers was particularly notable and a truly encouraging sign of visible scientific advancement over the years the Lahore School of Economics and its staff can be proud of! Quite impressive and enjoyable also, by the way, the sovereignty of the speakers in delivering their papers, demonstrating thereby full familiarity with their respective research both topically and methodologically.
Read more »Labels: CREB, Management of Pakistan Economy, Pakistan, Pakistan Economy
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/13/2016 12:34:00 PM,

Mr. Khurram Javaid, Head of Trade Marketing & Distribution, National Sales Manager Pakistan Tobacco Company, was in Lahore School of Economics on March 10 2016 to participate in a seminar on 'Sales force Management' organized for the graduating MBA batch.
The speaker began his presentation by telling the students about the key factors of success in the corporate world for any individual. He explained the importance of quality education and also good moral values and qualities like humility and receptiveness. He linked this with Pakistan Tobacco Company's key features which were responsible for its success, namely an enterprising spirit, freedom through responsibility, open mindedness, and strength through diversity.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/12/2016 09:45:00 AM,

Mr. Sohail Butt, Group Demand and Supply Planning Manager Nestle Pakistan visited the Lahore School of Economics on March 10, 2016 to deliver a lecture on “supply chain” to the MBA class.
Mr. Butt explained that the role of supply chain in the current market was to meet the customer needs, ensure seamless availability of products and achieve high business results. He elaborated on the different stages of supply chain by giving examples of firms like iphone, apple, Amazon and how they were using supply chain management to increase sales and earn profits.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/12/2016 09:40:00 AM,

The Lahore School of Economics, Centre for Mathematics and Statistical Sciences (CMSS) hosted annual conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Methods, Models and Applications (RAMMMA16)”on April 9-10, 2016, at the Burki Campus. First day of the Conference started with welcome address by the Rector Lahore School of Economics, Dr. Shahid Amjad Chaudhry.

The "RAMMMA" tradition has these key features: the number of participants is usually bounded above by 70 with a mix of pure and applied interests; there are no parallel sessions so that all participants focus on each presentation and fully engage in each topic; and there is ample time for discussion for each presentation. The goal of this conference was to bring together mathematicians and users of mathematics to talk to each other, to transfer problems, ideas and methods from one community to the other, so as to enhance progress in understanding. The areas of interest of this conference are (but not limited to): Basic Axioms; Mathematical Modeling of Systems in Applied Sciences; Big Data; Queuing Theory; Financial Mathematics; Mathematical Biology.
Read more »Labels: CMSS, Lahore School, Mathematical Methods, RAMMMA, Research
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/09/2016 04:21:00 PM,

Lahore School of Economics Dramatics Society is playing two dramas (Charley's Aunt and Heer Ranjha on 4th Annual Theater on night 11th-12th April 2016 (6-9 pm) in Shymyla's Garden.
Charley's Aunt is directed Ahsan Sohail, Heer Ranjha by Maham Tassadaq and Faheem Muzaffar is Executive Director.
Read more »Labels: Campus Life, Drama, Extra Curricular
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/06/2016 03:40:00 PM,

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