Lahore School threw a Farewell Party for graduating MBA class on June 19, 2012. The event was held under a stunning setting, perfect for the ‘
night to remember’. The evening started with a walk down memory lane where slideshows were shown to the gathering. The slideshows provided a chance for all the students to revisit their past and remember all the fun times they had at the School.
An interesting and highly anticipated awards session then commenced, with the students voting for the Best Teachers and TAs for Finance and Marketing Sections, which were awarded by Dr. Azam Chaudhry, Dean of Economics. Andaleeb Abbas bagged the title for the Best Teacher: Marketing, and in her victory speech, she talked about the three Cs that guided her in her life: Conviction, Courage and Commitment. The Best Teacher: Finance was awarded to Dr. Shakil Faruqi, who gave a message to his students not to forget about “who they were and where they were from”. The Best TA award for marketing was given to Rabia Mansoor, and Hira Akram received the Best TA award for Finance.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/26/2012 11:31:00 AM,

Saad Munawar, the Marketing Head Snacks, PepsiCo, visited Lahore School of Economics on June 21, 2012 and gave a talk in the Marketing Management class about market segmentation and product positioning in the market. The discussion that followed his introduction was a highly interactive session, and students were encouraged to think about marketing techniques used in real world. Saad spoke of the importance of segmentation. He said that the process has to be well thought out and should follow the DAMAS (Differentiable, Actionable, Measureable, Accessibility, Substantial) rule as much as possible. [Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin]
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/26/2012 11:25:00 AM,

Bakhtiar Khawaja, the CEO of Learning Solutions and ex-HR Group Head, Bank Alfalah came to Lahore School of Economics and gave a talk to students enrolled in the Business Communications course in the SBS Library on June 21, 2012.
Bakhtiar Khawaja has a vast experience in HR, and knows CV writing, cover letter writing, interview skills well and how students could improve themselves and make themselves a cut above the norm.
Bakhtiar Khawaja also shared his experiences about the problems in the job market. He said, “Lahore School has earned a good name in the market, and if the students are talented enough and have the right skills, they would be able to get jobs” despite fewer jobs in the market. [Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin]
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/26/2012 11:16:00 AM,

Salman Nazir, the Head of Supply Chain, Nestle Pakistan visited the Lahore School of Economics on June 23, 2012, and delivered an informative talk on Supply Chain Management in the Mehmood Chaudhry Library.
Presentation covered core supply chain activities of Nestle and also highlighted the methods employed by the company for different types of customers. Salman Nazir also showed a video Safar Bakhair which dealt with ensuring safety standards for drivers of the company who have to deliver items from one place to another. The short documentary showed the impact of the Safe Driving Program with the titular name not only for the company, but also for the drivers.
The Distinguished Professional Lecturer brought practical insights to Supply Chain. Along with the discussion on Supply Chain, he also answered questions by the students, and gave tips on career selection. He emphasized that it was important for them to understand what they actually liked, instead of selecting a career simply because it was the ‘in thing’. [Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin]
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/25/2012 02:54:00 PM,

Sohail Aziz, Managing Director at Message Communications visited the Lahore School of Economics and gave a talk about various aspects of advertising on, June 14, 2012. Sohail Aziz addressed students of Promotions Management course and talked about different types of advertising. He differentiated between Above the Line (ATL) and Below the Line (BTL).
The talk also covered differentiation between normal advertising for products, and corporate advertising, which deals with services. In addition to that, there was a discussion on advocacy in advertising, which also helps make behavioral changes towards the image of a product or a company. Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR used by many companies in this day and age is one of the methods used to improve and build an emotional relationship between the company and the consumers.
The visual identity of a product is important, even if the consumer does not know the name of the product, Mr. Aziz mentioned, as he gave examples of how strong a visual identity makes a difference. With that he also talked about Shop Presence for a product. In between, he also talked about the process of launching a product as shown in the diagram:
The talk added practical knowledge to the theory. An interactive session followed up and students asked interesting questions. [Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin]
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/15/2012 11:21:00 AM,

Third United Asians Debating Championship (UADC) - world’s third largest debating competition- was held in Kaula Lampur, Malaysia in which 88 international teams participated. This year Lahore School team (Wasae Imran, Ali Akbar Abbass Rizvi, and Xenia Rasul), the only representative of Pakistan, team ranked 12th in the roster of 106 teams and achieved new highest rankings for individual speakers.
The United Asian Debating Championship (UADC) is an annual debating tournament for teams from universities in Asia. It will be the largest inter-varsity Parliamentary Debate tournament in Asia, with over 600 participants. The UADC holds debates in the Asian 3-on-3 format Parliamentary Debating. The UADC, like the AUDC and the All-Asians, is held annually in May. The competition involves eight preliminary rounds, which become power-paired as the tournament progresses, matching the strongest-performing teams against each other.
The debates follow the Asian 3-on-3 format, which is a variation of the Australs format. One team (of 3 speakers each) forms the government and the other as the opposition. The process of scoring and pairing these teams is known as tabbing. The scoring of teams is done by judges, most of whom are students or former students from the competing institutions, who return ballots with their scores to the adjudication team, led by a Chief Adjudicator (CA) who is assisted by one or more deputies (DCAs).
Labels: Debates
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/14/2012 11:38:00 AM,

The Lahore School of Economics organized meet up session for students who have been selected for the
Bahcesehir University under Exchange Program 2012 and those who have already been there under the same program. Saad Chaudhry, Fahad Manzoor, Humna Butt, Zartasha Khan, Bilal Maqbool, Mahina Ghalib and Sara Ahmed have been selected from the latest batch of students. Meet up and discussion Durring the meet up, senior students shared their Turkish experiences with the new batch and also gave them tips and tricks to survive in a new environment and excel there. The selected Lahore School students who are leaving for the winter semester at the Bahcesehir University are: [Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin]
Labels: International, Students Exchange Program
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/14/2012 11:00:00 AM,

The Lahore School of Economics has been educating and training the youths to become professionals in their chosen careers for the last nineteen years. In about two decades, students who had graduated from the School have been spread out to other parts of the country (and world). The alumni met ups are purposeful events, which bring along students from different years to meet with each other to improve networking possibilities and to see how well the alumni are doing after graduating. Twenty Lahore School alumni from the Karachi Chapter got together at Fuchsia, Zamzama on Thursday, May 31 2012.

During the meet up, the alumni talked about their careers after graduating from the Lahore School, and a decision was made to formalize the Karachi Chapter. Ahmad Farid from MBA Class of 1999 was appointed the head of the Alumni Karachi Chapter, whilst Hamza bin Tariq BBA Class of 2003, Wasif Chaudhry MBA Class of 2006 and Ayesha Jamal MBA Class of 1999 decided to help him keep the chapter vibration. Some alumni also volunteered to help mentor students by offering to give grooming and interviewing skills lessons. The fruitful evening was filled with interesting discussions and what better way to have it: over a nice dinner. [Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin]
Labels: Alumni
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/08/2012 01:20:00 PM,

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