Lahore School of Economics

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The Truth about CVs, Cover Letters and Interviews

Bakhtiar Khawaja, the CEO of Learning Solutions and ex-HR Group Head, Bank Alfalah came to Lahore School of Economics and gave a talk to students enrolled in the Business Communications course in the SBS Library on June 21, 2012.

Bakhtiar Khawaja has a vast experience in HR, and knows CV writing, cover letter writing, interview skills well and how students could improve themselves and make themselves a cut above the norm.

Bakhtiar Khawaja also shared his experiences about the problems in the job market. He said, “Lahore School has earned a good name in the market, and if the students are talented enough and have the right skills, they would be able to get jobs” despite fewer jobs in the market. [Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin]


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/26/2012 11:16:00 AM,

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