Alumni Catch up with the Lahore School of Economics
July 10, 2012
Five alumni from the MBA batch of 2005 visited Lahore School of Economics on June 25, 2012 to catch up back home. The alumni shared about where they were working currently, and discussed various aspects such as job prospects for fresh graduates, increasing entrepreneurial spirit, improvements that the Lahore School had made, and suggestions on what more can be done. The commitment to strengthen the Alumni network has been undertaken by the Lahore School, and such lunches allow both the school and the students of the past an opportunity to look back and into the future to make the Lahore School one of the best distinguished seat of higher learning.
The alumni who came were:
Raza Ali, Head of Wealth Management, Bank of Punjab
Mujtaba Khawaja, Self Employed
Ali Hussain, Assistant Vice President, Priority Center Manager, Solitaire Wealth Management, Faysal Bank
Mohsin Khalid, Business Analyst, Mobilink
Hania Mazari, Consultant
Labels: Alumni
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7/10/2012 02:13:00 PM,
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