Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Fertile Recruiting Ground

“Three of the Lahore School Graduates were selected from among five candidates from different universities by ICI -- a renowned multinational,” announced the Lahore School Placement Office. Not a small achievement.

So what is it that generates the probability of bagging high profile jobs in a tight market? What are the local entrepreneurs and multinational employees looking for? Obviously, companies require a rightly educated and skilled workforce with a heavy emphasis on educational backgrounds. Lahore School of Economics is alive to this situation in the market. It's for this reason that the Lahore School of Economics has become a fertile recruiting ground for businesses and the Lahore School graduates are uniquely positioned to fill the anticipated employment void many of these companies face.

To better assess the requirement of the perfect employee, let us consider what they need. Any employer places a high value on business skills, in particular with a slant to knowledge about economics, marketing, finance. It is a known fact in corporate Pakistan that many of the businesses do not anticipate problems in attracting qualified talent; abundant employable human resources are available to choose from. Businesses look first to their personal network, and second to academic institutions to identify potential talent to meet their requirement.

What more can the Lahore School graduates do to always position themselves within the futuristic firms that are growing with time? Answer: Learn maximum while at the Lahore School. Rest will follow.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/31/2004 01:01:00 PM,

Power House in the Main Campus

There will be no power outage in the Main Campus of Lahore School of Economics in future. Caterpillar electric generator of 365 KVA has been added to cater for the Lahore School needs in case of power failure.

Lahore School has developed a beautiful Main campus on Burki Road. The new Campus adds far more than just the space. It is a physical identity that mirrors and enhances the School’s mission.

The facility, by its design, is as innovative, dynamic, and creative as the school programs. Auditoriums and cottages that are oriented towards the needs of faculty and administrative staff create mini-communities within a larger school community, and serve the differentiated needs of the unparallel business school.

In addition to the auditoriums, central library and the computer laboratories, the Main Campus has vast spaces for curricular as well as extra curricular activities: Multi purposes gymnasium, sport grounds, residential blocks for male as well as female students. Fully-networked buildings allows for internet access from everywhere.

Lahore School provides cottages style accommodation for male and female students. Each cottage, in girls’ hostel has equipped kitchen including cabinets, refrigerators, and washing machines. Boys’ blocks have small functional kitchens in each block.

Lahore School has a great café for every one to enjoy. Attached lounges in the café building has big screen color TV and satellite receiver, snooker room as well as tennis table. The café is the center of activities throughout the day, with students eating, socializing and even studying together in this cozy place during their free time.

One of the highlights of the Main Campus is its versatility — students can take advantage of the recreational areas like café to work on academics with their colleagues. Secondly, the reaction to the students’ requirement sends the message that students’ needs are being recognized and taken seriously. Such initiatives transform the quiet center into a hub of activity and create a more integrated and vibrant students’ community.

Update: There are two 365 KVA generators catering the growing electric needs of the School now.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/30/2004 01:43:00 PM,

Job Openings

Job vacancies for the current week are: 1) World Online, Marketing Executive (Male), Client Service Executive ( Female), Fresh 2) Sapphire Mills, Marketing, Fresh 3) Pakistan Tobacco Company, Management Internee(Finance), Fresh


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/27/2004 08:31:00 AM,

From the Placement Office

From the Placement Office Following of our graduates from the batch 2004 have been selected by ICI: 1) Maliha Ameen 2) Mazia Hussain 3) Ahmad Nizami And following have been selected by the United Bank Limited: 1) Mazia Hussain 2) Syed Sami ur Rehman 3) Hassan Ahmad


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/27/2004 08:28:00 AM,

Midterms: not the end

It's that time of year again: the leaves are turning orange, and the Lahore School professors are once again assuming their class is the only one students take. Midterms are ruling your life.

With tests every day on minds, it's no coincidence that students require some of the greatest concentration of mental health issues. Now when the work really starts pouring in, the need to beat stress becomes very important.

I'm no psychologist, but if my own student days have taught me anything, it's the way to blow off steam. The trick is to take your mind off your work, even if only temporarily. The brain needs a little break every now and then. So for those of you who are sitting late at night thinking what to do while sitting in Auditorium 6 or Central Lab, try the alternatives first.

Here is the alternative: Relax, relax! Sounds very simple? It is, for those who are prepared. No?

So, I think the ideas will appeal to you. If not, then obviously I'm not cut out for the advice business. But here is another good bit of advice: if you're feeling overburdened around this time of the semester and you cannot get together your thoughts and concentrate on your exam tomorrow, day after tomorrow, then look around for someone to talk to. You've got plenty of options, from folks at home to your fellow students to one of your professors. There's no shortage of compassionate people at the Lahore School, and, they know what they're doing. Good luck!

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/25/2004 11:11:00 AM,

Creative Class Project

MBA 2 (Marketing Class) is doing a class project. Students are doing it in a different way this time. They will show how non profit organizations market their services in the form of very lively skits. Interested too watch (read learn), be in the Café at the Main Campus at 9.30.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/25/2004 11:03:00 AM,

Dr. Salman Ahmad

Professor of economics at the Lahore School of Economics, Dr. Salman Ahmad did his masters in economics from Government College Lahore. 

He obtained his degree of doctorate from International Islamic University, Islamabad. His thesis -- A General Equilibrium Model of Custom Union among Muslim Countries – was on how Muslim countries can benefit by joining and working together in the field of trade and commerce. 

 Professor Salman also writes research articles in Lahore Journal of Economics and other research journals.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/22/2004 10:00:00 PM,

An image; Whatever we learn today, is all that matters tomorrow

Muhammad Ahsan (MBA-2, Class 2005)

Studying at the Lahore School of Economics till date has been good. Just like every single student on earth, I also claim that of course our batch is the best one ever!” I believe I’ve found good relationships and have understood a lot that I needed to. The best thing about our batch (MBA-2, Class - 2005) is that there is no disparity, no inequality in terms of personal, social or cultural barriers. Every single student is co-operating, willing to take responsibilities and not so proud of what he or she is not and, if I may add, this batch represents all of. Of course it does!

The faculty including professors as good as Dr. Sohail Zafar, Ayesha Raza, Professor Fareed.A. Fareedy, Dr. Zia ul Hussain and others have turned out to be magicians for me, given the fact that I had no proper finance and statistics background! Today, I believe that elsewhere it would not have been possible for me to achieve this amount of knowledge, which I have accumulated here. Combining that with our teaching associates and of course, not to forget my class fellows, forming up groups and working together as a team.

Did I miss out the party bit? Yup, various societies by students (and a few by me) are being regulated and mobilized accordingly to keep all the faces at LSE, rosy and smiling. I don’t know how I might be feeling at the time of my farewell… Seems scary already? To me, LSE, rather than Lahore School of Economics, has been more of a Lahore School of Ethics, for “Whatever we learn today, is all that matters tomorrow.”


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/22/2004 09:58:00 AM,

Exams: Challenging Aspect of Student Life

Examinations are a test of students' knowledge and understanding of subjects in a challenging environment. They value the skills and ability to understand what is being taught and make them to prepare before hand. If they are surprise quizzes, they make to cover a lot more. Exams always make students to be specific and focused.

Here are some of the most common opinions of students overheard before exams this week: “I always feel that in exams there is always not enough time, I have realized that you cannot run away from them as there is always another one waiting around the corner, I am always scared of exams,” (who is not). Some others say, “Examinations are not really something to fear because, usually, if you attend to revising your subject you should not have too much of a problem when you get into the exam hall, they are the norm throughout school life and this may be why I have no problems with them, I have got used to exams every now and then.”

Every student has his own unique strategy to succeed in examinations and to bag good grade. To me, the best is to be organized from the beginning of studies. Make sure you understand what you read. Take notes from your reading. Explain what you have read in your own words. Study regularly and avoid wide gaps in your studies so that, when the exams come, the only thing you have to do is to call to mind what you have already learnt. I have also found it useful to practice writing down on a piece of paper the knowledge I have of my subject. This shows me what my strong and weak areas are.

Remember that exams are not the end - they are just one aspect of your student life.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/21/2004 11:52:00 AM,

From the Placement Office

Job openings for the week: National Bank of Pakistan, Management Trainees, Fresh Standard Chartered Bank, Sales and Marketing, Fresh Pakistan-Kuwait Investment Company Pvt. Ltd, General, Fresh

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/21/2004 10:46:00 AM,

Dr. Muhammad Rafiq Khan

The Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Business, Dr. Muhammad Rafiq Khan has been associated with teaching and research most of his working life. Here at the Lahore Schools he writes research papers and (real life) research based cases for the Lahore School students.

Dr. Rafiq started research in the management sciences related fields early in 1976 when after doctorate in Biochemistry he was engaged by the British Ministry of Overseas Development as a member of the Appropriate Technology Group of David Livingstone Institute of Overseas Development Studies, Strathclyde University, Glasgow to work on the Pilot Project “Choice of Techniques in the Developing Countries.”

Apart from his continuous association with research Dr. Rafiq has been teaching biochemistry, applied chemistry, project management, and general management for about twenty years in leading institutions. He has also held senior administrative as well as academic positions in his long career.

Dr. Rafiq has strong relationship with the written words. He has been editor of academic magazines, has written over thirteen books, some of which are a part of curriculum at learning institutions in Pakistan not to mention long list of articles in international research journals.

In addition to empirical observations, analyzing data, comparing variables and drawing inferences, Dr. Rafiq has written a travelogue (after having roamed around in half of the world), what is more, poetry (two compilations) and two volumes of “In Search of Appropriateness Series,” which is an attempt to sort out what is appropriate and what is not for the developing countries .


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/20/2004 01:47:00 PM,

Exam Week

This is an exam week in Lahore School

This is an exam week. Do you feel a lot more stress during mid-terms? A certain amount of tension is expected and normal during an exam period. Actually, a little anxiety helps to heighten the awareness and can enhance your performance.

The exams are the application step of the study efforts and not a threatening new experience, which every student should be able to cope with: Rest, exercise and relax between exams, adopt a positive approach and keep the spirits up.

Have you considered preparing a general schedule? Display the date sheet on your study table (good old way), plan how much time you can allot to studying for each course; remember that your hardest course will require more time. This will avoid last-minute cramming. Use the odd moments -- in the shower, riding to the campus, walking across campus -- for recall and review. Run through the information frequently; this will ensure that you remember it and will broaden your understanding. Do not study for two similar courses consecutively. It is better to break the pattern with a completely different study approach. Respect your concentration span. Starting your exam period with impossibly long study periods is likely to leave you exhausted before it is all over.

Stick to your normal daily routine as much as possible. If you do get off your routine and need extra time, avoid staying up all night; go to bed at your regular time and get up a couple of hours earlier than you normally would, to continue studying. You will be able to understand and remember more when you are rested than you would if you postpone rest. The shorter you are on sleep the less clearly you will be able to think and write what you know while sitting in the exam auditorium.

Last but not the least, take care of yourself. In addition to taking an organized and calm approach to studying, you need to make common sense and moderation a general life style during this and other times of stress.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/19/2004 10:11:00 AM,

Professor Fareed A. Fareedy

Professor Fareed A. Fareedy did his MBA (Marketing and Finance) from Long Island University, New York and MA Economics from the New School University, New York and also PhD (ABD, all but dissertation) in economics from the same University. He has been teaching in different national and foreign institutions since 1982 before joining Lahore School of Economics. In his last position in the United States, he served, till early 2004, as the Chairman of the Department of Economics-Government-History at the Union County College, New Jersey.

Professor Fareedy has written books titled An Economic Solution to the Poverty in Pakistan, An Introduction to Marketing Management’ and numerous research studies for organizations like ILO and the World Bank, and other research articles that have appeared in newspapers and magazines.
Read more »


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/18/2004 01:03:00 PM,

Career: MBA - Evolution of an MBA

Mobashir Ahmad

After having obtained my MBA degree back in 1999 and roaming around for 'exiting opportunities' in half of the world, I think I am now aware of the value that an MBA degree offers to both students and employers, locally as well as abroad. Obviously, the MBA still holds strong appeal as a stepping-stone to a more lucrative and challenging career path. What is more, evolution of the MBA and its role in the job market is still doubt changing.

The multitude of MBA programs and the demands of a competitive, global economy have made the process of selecting the right business school and the right MBA graduate quite rigorous for both students and employers. Both are trying to anticipate long-term needs in preparation for the marketplace of the present times.

MBA candidates, looking forward to their careers or perhaps to the exciting prospect of entrepreneurship, cannot afford to presume that every MBA program will meet the educational requirements specific to an industry or profession. In today's job market and that of the near future, just as no one would consider applying even for a secretarial job without having both well-honed computer and administrative skills, the MBA graduate will be expected to deliver both technical and non-technical skills in every business and industrial sector; national as well multinational. As in other areas of graduate study and related employment, the focus is, and will continue to be, on specialized expertise in business management.

By my own experience, I can tell that the employers at most major companies are aware of the makeup of the leading business school programs. The perceived value of the MBA degree has already changed considerably in the student community and within the concerns that hire MBA graduates. Today's graduates are under scrutiny to improve the standing of the degree in the corporate world.

How does this job market realignment affect the MBA holder's chances for a lucrative career in finance or marketing? The answer is often times more in the attitude of the prospect than in the present and future states of the job market. These behavioral issues resound throughout not only the financial sector but also the finance departments of major corporations.

Because management and finance are functions common to every conceivable type of business or industry, it is difficult to make predictions about job growth for MBA's in local job market. However, although it may sound simplistic, it is still true that career opportunities will most likely continue to exist for talented MBA's in nearly all areas of the marketplace into the future -- tremendous variety of positions still attract MBA's to accounting, management consulting, consumer products companies in functions including marketing, finance and operations. Even many nonprofit organizations are recruiting MBA's to help them redefine and reshape their organizations both economically and socially.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/18/2004 09:25:00 AM,

From the Placement Office

Following students have cleared the first phase of interviews conducted on the Lahore School Campus by the Union Bank:

1. Mazia Hussain

2. Waseem Shahzad

3. Waqar Usman

4. Ahmad Nizami

5. Hassan Awan

6. Syed Adnan Ali Shah

7. Furqan Arshad

8. Umme Habiba Rehman


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/16/2004 01:22:00 PM,

Career: GPA

Does your GPA matters?

Empirical observations show that students earn good grades. They work hard for this. Just how important are the grades to future employers? Are those long hours at the library and those all-night study sessions really worth it?

Keeping the grade point average (GPA) up can be vital to academic success. Slacking off could land any one on academic probation in the first place. Plus, maintaining a high GPA is crucial to those who dream of attending top graduate schools abroad.

Some time ago, most employers did enforce condition of academic standards on their applicants. All other factors being equal, employers were more likely to choose the candidate without asking about the grades, but things have changed now. Employers, local as well as multinational concerns, have started placing GPA condition in their employment Ads. Some even pay closer attention to the grades candidates have earned during junior and senior years than to the overall transcript. So those who have had poor grads should try to make up in the university education.

Employers also take a university's reputation into consideration. Lahore School of Economics has earned a good reputation in the job market.

Despite the fact that employers may not automatically cut you for your low grades, leaving it off of your resume completely may do you more harm than good. If you are a fresh graduate without experience and leave your GPA off your resume, you might find employers warily wondering how terrible your grades really are. One career adviser writes, “If there's no GPA on a resume, it is automatically assumed as under 3.0.”

Why let the GPA fall below your dream employer's minimum standards?

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/15/2004 02:44:00 PM,

Dr. Zia ul Hassan

Dr. Zia ul Hassan, the Controller of Examination, Lahore School of Economics, obtained his Ph.D degree in economics with specialization in “Quantitative Methods in Business and Economics,” “Economics, Money and Banking,” from the Graduate School of Business Administration New York, USA. Earlier, He did his Msc in Pure Mathematics from Institute of Science, Nagpur University, India.

His main interests are academic programs and curriculum development, general organization and management, personal selection and administration and research planning and implementation.

Dr. Zia has been independent business and education consultant to the University of Manchester, Technical University Ankara, and the Registrar in Inter University Board of Pakistan besides teaching in different national institutions and abroad through out his long academic career.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/14/2004 01:43:00 PM,

From the Placement Office

Aptech World Wide wants Marketing Executive with at least 1-2 years of experience. Daily Khabrain needs a female for the post of Tele Marketers Levis Strauss Pakistan Pvt. Ltd is looking for suitable person for the post of Marketing Coordinator with experience in Advertising Agency.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/13/2004 02:45:00 PM,

Student Industry Interaction

During their interaction while in the the Lahore School, students learn from business experiences and expertise through students industries interaction, and they benefit from industral resources. In turn, they give back to the industries through improved performance and greater commitment to their future in the field. And this student industry interaction is not only a great way to test the academic waters now but also to experience some of the joys and frustrations of learning.

Such initiatives are mostly taken by the educational institutions. But when local industries give back to education, it creates a win-win-win situation for students as well as the industry.

Industries have much to offer to students. They can discuss a recent case history or research study, present a new business strategy, or address a current industry issue with the students. Students love to hear professionals talk about their business and tell it like it is. Experience shows that most professionals and industry leaders feel gratified by the interest and appreciation shown by the students in classrooms or while students bodies happen to be visiting the site.

Industries can involve students in many other ways. Like every industry has research reports, directories, newsletters and other data that are periodically updated and through them companies can provide valuable information to students. Students are always thrilled to have current information. What better way to educate students about real-world challenges than by showcasing success stories? Industry leaders can also learn and get a feel for what students are capable of, which is helpful in recruiting.

Students need real-world work experience to learn and succeed. Companies that offer internships and training to undergraduate students provide a win-win situation. Students get professional, on-the-job experience; companies get inexpensive, part-time help and the opportunity to recruit the best graduates and develop others who can better contribute to the industry. Companies that can't offer paid and full time internship may offer a shadow day. Students interested in specific industries and careers can be invited to shadow a professional during a day's worth of activities. Shadowing is an eye-opening experience for students, and a good recruiting and networking opportunity for you.

Industry can also offer grant money to support research in specific areas. Arrange with learning institutions to conduct proprietary research by their students. These contributions provide rich research experiences and build the industry's body of knowledge.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/13/2004 10:14:00 AM,


Dr. Shahid Amjad Chaudhry, the Rector Lahore School of Economics, in the ninth meeting of the Academic Committee announced appointments of Professor Viqar Ahmad as the Registrar Lahore School of Economics whereas Dr. Zia Hussain was given charge of the Controller of Examination with immediate effect.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/12/2004 08:26:00 AM,


Independence, responsibility and self discipline!

The hostels at the Lahore School of Economics, Main Campus, have had dramatic effects on students who reside on the Campus. Residents coming here with different aspirations, from mix backgrounds and dispersed geographical locations add to the hostel life.

Life at the hostel is much more independent than living at home. It gives a real life appeal and inculcates self discipline and responsibility that are important to lead a practical life.

The goal of the hostel is to be able to accommodate the students and provide a comfortable living. Lahore School does more than that. No complaints like space, congestion, overcrowding, noise.

In a bid to find their opinions, randomly picked resident students were asked how they find living in the hostels at the Lahore School. Responses vary and show how students have adapted to the life here.

Zunair Niazi MBA 1, dreams to get into the politics and progressive farming after competing his studies in the Lahore School and also abroad. He hails from Khanewal. Zunair thinks, “It is nice to have a separate furnished room to yourself, and sports and other recreation facilities at hand when studying is not the option. I feel the overall hostel experience here is one worth definitely having."

One of the residents Salman Altaf, MBA-1, who has come to the Lahore School from Peshawar says,” After graduation, I have aspire to join my father to run our pharmaceutical family business. But first, I will do a job in some reputed multinationals and gain on job experience. After staying in the hostel for over a month now, out from home for the first time in life, I have not missed my home yet.”

Ali Rahman is doing Bsc Hons, he intends joining MBA after that and, later, is aiming at going for higher studies abroad. He says, “Mornings and nights here in the hostel are really serene and the sky is clearer. Hostel cottages look better than what I had imagined.”

Rbia Tahir is in BBA-1. She goes to attend the classes in the City Campus and stays at hostel in the Main Campus. “Living with my mom, who is the warden, I am enjoying home as well as hostel life simultaneously. In the hostel, I like to be with Kirn, Nadia, Saila Batool, Zammar Batool, and Huma. They all are in senior class and so helpful in my studies," says Rabia.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/11/2004 11:47:00 AM,

Shoaib Hashmi

A teacher through and through, Shoaib Hashmi is famous for his prolific work on Pakistan Television (remember Haqar Bakar, Sach Gup, and Taal Matol) and now (almost) permanent column titled Tall Matol in the News on Sunday and another regular column in the Gulf News.

After doing his MA in Economics from Government College and Msc from the London School of Economics, Shoaib Hashmi also studied theater at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, London. He has been teaching economics along with all other things ever since.

Discussing why study economics he says that Economics is an integral part of all aspects of life; it always has been. Changing trends indicate that economics ranks among one of the most popular majors chosen by undergraduates, and the majority of students enroll in introductory courses in economics during their undergraduate years.

Given the impact of economic forces on our daily lives, the strong interest in economics is understandable. Completion of introductory courses in Economics provides individuals with a logical and consistent framework for understanding such basic concepts as business administration, inflation, the function of money, and budget deficits. Students who take Economics courses are better able to think critically about businesses. In addition, students gain a working knowledge of how the economy operates and adjusts to changing economic conditions.

Taking economics courses, however, provides more than mere insights into the functioning of economies. Economics is a field of growing importance as preparation for both a variety of careers and programs of advanced study. The discipline occupies a strategic place. An understanding of economics is relevant to advanced study in many other fields as well. Since economic schools are an important element of any larger sector, and since all sectors are often influenced by economic forces, an understanding of economics is important for mastery of any field of human activities.

Many careers, if not all, require the understanding and analysis of contemporary events and also are enhanced by the study of economics. These include virtually every profession one intends to pursue these days.

For all of the career possibilities available to the student of economics, well-developed analytical skills and written and oral communication skills will prove to be great assets. Students are strongly encouraged to cultivate these skills in their years of education.

Professor Hashmi is the recipient of the Tamgha-i-Imtiaz and the President’s Award for Pride of Performance.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/09/2004 01:58:00 PM,

Choose your profession with care

Born and educated in Multan, Dr. Sohail Zafar went to USA from where he did his MBA and completed his doctorate from U.S. International University California. After finishing his education he taught at the Western Michigan University.

On return to Pakistan he started career at Imperial College of Business Administration and taught there for two years. Later, he went to Sharja and joined Sharja College affiliated with University of Houston. In April 1997, he came back to Pakistan to join the Lahore School of Economics. “Those days I had just 18 students and currently I am teaching more then 100,” he recalls.

Advising his students on how to choose a career path, he says, “Choose your profession with care and do not switch jobs.”

Choosing a job and selecting a particular field you want to be in for the rest of your life can be an incredibly hard task. In today’s society many career fields require diverse qualifications. When considering career options, try to think of the things that you enjoy doing. To be happy in a career field you have to enjoy the work that you are doing. Also try to consider the things you know you are good at. Maybe you are a social personality so working with people may suit you well.

Those who find themselves unsatisfied with their jobs choices are the ones who have gone into that profession for the wrong reasons. Perhaps they were trying what their parents wanted them to do, or maybe money was the only motivation, or they were required to take over family businesses.

Gaining experience through internship is a great way to help you discern what does and does not interest you as a future career. You may discover the job you always thought you wanted is not what you would like to do after all. Internship is a good asset when it comes to selecting and applying for employment and it can often help you to get a start in the field. Through internship you may gain vital contacts that will help you get into the field you desire, or at the least you will gain experience and that will be well received by future prospective employers.

If you are unsure of what career to work towards, try to keep your options open. Try new things and do not be afraid to admit that something may not be right for you. Gain experience in different fields or choose a course of study that leaves your options open to many different career choices. Do not put limits on yourself or your options because the career paths and industries out there are endless, and the choice is up to you.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/08/2004 02:52:00 PM,

From the Placement Office

Interviews Senior staff from Union Bank came to the Lahore School on October 4-5, 2004 and conducted on-campus interviews of our 15 graduates. Results awaited! Job openings The Job vacancies for the week ending October 9 are us under: Lowe and Rauf, Fresh Prime Commercial Bank, FreshFour months internship at Citibank (Finance)


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/08/2004 01:04:00 PM,

Track Back

Maheen Usman has joined MCB Rumla Nasir is at Orix Leasing M. Usman in Haleeb Seher Humanyun has joined Alfalah Bank Whereas Malik Sheryar has joined Total Parco.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/08/2004 11:59:00 AM,

Feed Back

I did my MBA from the Lahore School in 1999. I am currently working as a Strategic Writer with Asiatic Public Relations, an affiliate of Hill and Knowlton, USA. I would just like to congratulate you on this new venture and hope that this would connect a lot of old friends who have all gone their separate ways with time. The Lahore School has always brought very fond memories of all my teachers, peers and the whole surrounding. I shall always be proud of the fact that I belong to such a prestigious institute. Saima Zafar-Moeezuddin

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/07/2004 11:57:00 AM,

Life on Campus

Where do you belong?

Life on the campus provides opportunities for personal growth and leadership development for students. Integrating a person's knowledge, skills and abilities in and outside of the classroom provides a more balanced individual that help educate the whole person.

Understanding that student input, opinion, and action, are important components for the success of each student and campus activities, we at the Lahore School of Economics strive to do provide an opportunity for creative expression, corporate interaction, and active participation in the more enjoyable aspects of college life.

Students’ involvement on campus is encouraged in more than one way because this adds to the education and personal development of the students. Students’ societies (as well as faculty and support staff) provide opportunities for students to involve themselves at every level: learning, career readiness, responsibility, and leadership.

Many alumni return to campus to meet with old friends or play football or to get their transcripts from Saira Chaudhry (no hassle, efficiently laid out records there, one old student remarked!), see how things have changed (or stayed the same), and revive their memories. Sitting in the café one old student told Seher Zareen that he feels so happy to see more dinning choices, also ice cream and pop corns in the cozy café.

With the semester well under way my, recommendation is this: Being involved with students’ societies is a great way to get acquainted with life on campus. You will get to work together with fellow students to plan and implement every aspect of the event you wish to plan. You will get to interact with agents and entertainers. You will gain skills such as communicating effectively, working together, planning and coordinating, paying close attention to detail, creativity, leadership, and responsibility. That is what you need in life. And it is fun, too! These skills will not only be useful to you as a student, but they will also make you attractive to potential employers.

Groups of students and individuals are welcome to participate in any of the societies or clubs working in the Lahore School. Come and show off your exciting talents in just about any field. First, you have to belong to some of them.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/07/2004 09:35:00 AM,

Learning With Computers

No matter what program students are pursuing, information and educational technologies can and are playing a pivotal role in studies these days. Just how studies are enhanced by technology? My to-ing and fro-ing in the labs and chatting with some of the users there (well, face to face) reveal how they have integrated computers in their learning.

At the Lahore School, the use of technology has been introduced -- five computer labs as well as work stations in the quite study zones of libraries at both City and Main Campuses. All computers are branded and connected (microwave connectivity at the Main and HDSL at the city campus); printing and scanning facilities are available. Educational programs like SPSS, Eview, Minitab and State Graphics are loaded and work stations have been designed for individual as well as syndicate work. Any problem, Imran Dawood is forthcoming with help to trouble shoot. (Students can ask him for help on systems at home as well.)

Faiza Inam, Bsc 2, who wants to excel in economics studies, says, “I do all my assignments and projects in the lab. It is easy here. All the required programs are available and I can utilize free time between classes. It is even easier when working in a group. I browse research and do a lot of other stuff like checking emails or playing some times.”

“I search and brows for the information that helps me stay ahead of others in class discussions,” says Syed Muhammad Hassan MBA 1.

“I am not a computer enthusiast (read geek) but using computer lab is a musty for every student these days,” says Sana Ateeq, MBA 1, “You are required to give in-class presentations (there are so many here) and one need to use computers and data projectors in the classrooms. Those who still haven’t found any use for the computers can think of term papers they are required to write. You can do your research on the web through the computer labs, including searching the university library catalog. And you can use the word processing facilities to write the term paper, and then finish off by printing it on our laser printers.”

“Computer labs are one of the most productive hangouts on the Campus,” students think.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/06/2004 02:37:00 PM,

Football Tournament

The Lahore School 2004 football tournament concluded today in the lush green ground in the Main Campus. Dr. Shahid Amjad Chaudhry, the Rector Lahore School gave away the trophy to the winners.

Competing teams included Bsc Hons 1, Bsc Hons 2, MBA 1, MBA 2 and MBA 2004 (ex). Total 11 matches were played. Semi finals were played between Bsc Hons 1 verses Bsc Hons 2 and MBA 2 verses MBA 2004. Bsc Hons 2 and MBA 2004 emerged as victorious and played final match on Tuesday, October 5 that was won by MBA 2004 by 4-1.

MBA 2004 team included Adnan Ali Shah, Saqib Sattar, Shahid Sattar, Shehryar Tewana, Waseem Shezad, Omar Khan, Ahmad Nizami, Sami ur Rehman, Agha Ali, Hassan Hayat, Malik Shehryar, Hassan Ahmad and Sabi Mumtaz.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/05/2004 04:57:00 PM,

World Teachers’ Day

Respect for teachers and learning

World Teachers’ Day is observed in more than 100 countries to salute to the teachers and to highlight the educational needs of future generations in this increasingly complex, multicultural and technological world.

Teaching, a profession of the future, as it is called is appealing intellectually, socially and financially as it makes the difference in lives of individuals as well as nations. Learning institutions, students and international agencies celebrate the day to highlight the importance of teachers’ role as architects of development.

The theme of World Teachers’ Day this year is ‘qualified teachers to be recruited and trained’. Instigated by UNESCO in 1994, the day is an annual reminder of the global goal of ‘education for all’ by 2015. According to UNESCO, World Teachers' Day represents a significant token of the awareness, understanding and appreciation displayed for the vital contribution that teachers make to education and development. World Teachers' Day provides an opportunity to draw public attention to the role of teachers worldwide as well as to the crucial importance of the role they play in society.

Here at the Lahore School, the basic message from all students on World Teachers’ Day, and on any other day for that matter, is this: “We appreciate you.”


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/05/2004 09:46:00 AM,

Football Final

Lahore School Football Team will play finals against MBA (Ex) on Tuesday Oct 5, at 2.30 pm.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/04/2004 01:29:00 PM,

Adjusting to the Lahore School

The trouble with adjustment is that you have to belong to a place first. Recently, we have been gathering opinions from students at the Lahore School about how have they adjusted to the place they belong to -- the Main Campus.

Omar Waheed (Bsc Hons 2005) says, “I considered a lot of things when I first arrived here. I have been coming here when I was in the City Campus to see what will be the place we will be joining when our class shifts there. Earlier, may father had been briefed about the Lahore School by one of his friends who is in the know of the matters. Which is why my father insisted that I join the Lahore School? Thanks to dad and his friend. Now I know that this is the best seat of learning, getting a degree and then ultimately getting a job in so far very tight job market will be possible. This is something that I want and need to make not just a good story to tell at gatherings in the café or under the shed, but also a transition that would make me into a better person (well, I hope so).”

“I didn't know many people, says Asma Nasir of the same class, who have had experiences of studying at different schools (at Gujranwala, Quetta, Nowshera and Lahore to name a few), “I had to make friends in order to survive, and I looked perplexedly at the campus environments, which contained buildings, cottages, auditoriums, library, computer laboratories, blue sky and vast expanses. After having shifted to so many schools in earlier years of my education it was easier for me to adjust though.”

“Since I was active in previous school, in the Lahore School I wanted to join a whole bunch of student clubs and societies and get involved in the Campus life to make it feel smaller and more at home. I won't tell you this has been an easy process, or that I'm now the most popular person on the Campus. Chances are, you've never heard of me, and chances are, you may never,” says M. Umar Shahid of the same class. “But I am belong here and am involved now,” he adds.

Mehwish Naqvi thinks that students are quick at the uptake. They easily get acclimated to new surroundings. I faced the challenges here that I did as in junior schools except I am older now, some of us wiser, and most of us still looking for an identity. I feel this is important to say about adjustment because I know that I'm not the only person in my situation. I can imagine that there are so many in my shoes. I want to reach out to this community and say sometimes it's easy to adjust, sometimes it's hard to adjust, and sometimes adjustment comes when we least expect it.

M. Umar Shahid suggests to those new at the Lahore School to get involved, get the place that feels comfortable and makes it your own. What other universities has so much opportunity in the life on campus? What campus has events like the movies in Aud 6 or the ability to reach out to JSTOR achieve at the click of the mouse? The reason every person comes to the Lahore School is different, but every person feels like being an important part of the university.

To conclude, let me quote the old Chinese proverb by Lao-Tzu that says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Each step students take transfers them in new adventure at the Lahore School. Each step brings them closer to feelings like being a part of the School, a part of the community and ultimately gaining a second home here in the School.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/04/2004 01:27:00 PM,

Lahore School Blog Site: Refresh

This blog has crossed the 1000th unique visit mark over this weekend. What is more, the navigation of the site has been made easy. Send your feedback and contributions (along with photographs) to or drop a hard copy in the Editor’s Cottage (J-8).

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/04/2004 01:25:00 PM,

Football Update

The Lahore School won a friendly football match against the Lahore Medical College on Friday October 1 by 6-1.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/02/2004 09:19:00 AM,

Job Openings (September 27 to October 2)

Following companies are offering new openings as shown against their names: Tapal Tea, Marketing Executive, Fresh Askari Commercial Bank, Finance, Fresh Faysal Bank, Marketing, Finance, Fresh Al-Falah Bank, Human Resource, Fresh


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/01/2004 02:48:00 PM,

Semi Finals

Bsc Hons A played a football match on October 1 against Bsc Hons B and the Section A won the match by 4-3.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/01/2004 01:36:00 PM,

City Campus Library

An extensive collection of over 1000 books has been added recently in the Lahore School City Campus Library. Half of the books are covering the areas of Marketing, Management and Finance in business studies whereas the others are on Economic Theory, Pakistan Economy, International Economy and Sociology. (Seher Zareen)

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/01/2004 01:16:00 PM,

Field Day

MBA - 2 (Class-2005) students had a very fulfilling day while doing field work for their Marketing Project – How non-profit organization market their services? Students in groups visited SOS Village, SKM Hospital, Lions Club, Sahara, Fountain House and other non profit organizations for empirical observations and collection of primary data.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/01/2004 10:16:00 AM,

City Campus

104 - C, Gulberg III,

Lahore, Pakistan.

Phones: 92-42-35714936, 38474385

Fax: 92-42-36560905

Main Campus

Intersection Main Boulevard Phase VI

Burki Road

Lahore, Pakistan.

Phones: 36560935, 36560939

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