Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Say good bye to the IMF

Lahore School of Economics Institute of Development Studies hosted a policy debate titled 'The great debate - Is it time to say good bye to the IMF?' The House of Commons’ parliamentary debate ended after a heated discussion to conclude that it really is time to say good bye to the IMF. The session was chaired by Dr. Rashid Amjad former Chief Economist Planning Commission Pakistan and Vice Chancellor Lahore School Institute of Development Economics. The chair remarked 'to reap the benefits of China Pakistan Economic Corridor conditions are ripe to bid farewell to the IMF.'

Delegates included students from PU, FCCU, and well placed Lahore School alumni working in the business sector and as banking economists. The debate concluded with the proposition winning with PU securing first position and FCCU second. Judges included former Federal Secretary Mr. Javed Sadiq Malik and Dr. Fareeha Zafar.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/29/2016 11:26:00 AM,

Lahore School of Economics Film and Media Awards

Lahore School of Economics Film and Media Club was the winners at the BNU Bestival Add Making Category.

The team (Salman Bokhari, Farzam Asad and Asad ur Rehman) have made a hatrick: After winning at Kinnaird Business Week and then at FiLUMS, it managed to win at BNU Bestival 2016 in Video Production.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/29/2016 10:30:00 AM,

Lahore School Fifth Med Camp

Lahore School of Economics Corporate Social Responsibility Center organised a fifth medical camp that catered to 145 patients on March 8, 2016 at Sharif Hospital Burki. Team of doctors treated ailments ranging from basic muscular spasm to chronic stomach and intestinal disease.

In addition to Lahore School student volunteers, the team included Dr. Baqar Shareef (General Physician, Shareef Medical Hospital), Dr. Saima Malik (Consultant Hospitalist, Shaukat Khanum) and Dr. Shireen Gul (Consultant Gynecologist, Ganga Raam Hospital).


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/29/2016 10:00:00 AM,

Television Advertising is a Fascinating Profession for MBAs

Mr. Asad Rizvi, Managing Director Walter Pakistan, delivered a session on Advertising to an MBA class of Marketing Strategy on 27 January 2016 at the Lahore School of Economics. As always, he received both complete attention and deep gratitude of the young and eager MBA participants.

Asad informed them that he had been in the advertising industry since 1995, and had never looked back. This is because advertising is the heart of marketing – look at Apple, Coke and Pepsi, driven by creative ads. Thus, a mystique has been created around advertising, enveloped as it is with glamour. But what people forget to understand is that it is not magic – advertising is underpinned by science.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/24/2016 09:48:00 AM,

Digital Marketing is a Paradigm Shift

Mr. Badar Khushnood, “Entrepreneur in Residence” of BRAMERZ, alumnus of the Lahore School of Economics, along with his team delivered a sparkling session on Digital Marketing at the Lahore School on January 28, 2016 in the Marketing Strategy course of the MBA program.

Badar started off the session by showing a five minute video on how the world was moving towards a new paradigm – the paradigm of being connected by the net. He divided our world citizens into Digital Immigrants versus Digital Natives. He discussed the example of Domino’s Pizzas in Pakistan which have shown a huge jump in sales due to digital marketing (largely due to the efforts of Bramerz). Still, he admitted that the online ad-spend in Pakistan was USD 5 million, some 1% of the total ad-spend.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/24/2016 09:47:00 AM,

Career Planning and Entrepreneurship

Mr. Wasif Waseem Ashraf visited the Lahore School of Economics on January 22, 2016, to deliver a lecture on ”Career Planning” and “Entrepreneurship” to the graduating class of BBA.

Mr. Waseem called career “a game of strategy and not chance” and stated it to be a combination of class, technique and form. He mentioned the importance of timing in career development. He also guided the students to search for the right mentor as it is his belief that the right mentor helps you get the right timing.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/24/2016 09:45:00 AM,

Telecom Industry Pakistan

Mr. Adeel Anwar, Director Organizational Excellence - Warid Telecom delivered a lecture to the graduating BBA students on February 10, 2016.

Mr. Adeel started his session by giving a brief overview of the Telecom Industry in Pakistan giving facts and figures indicating a lot of potential in Pakistan’s Telecom industry that is ranked fifth in Asia when it comes to mobile phone users.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/24/2016 09:45:00 AM,


The cast and crew of the upcoming major Pakistani movie “Bachana” (Including Sanam Saeed (lead actress), Mohib Mirza (lead actor), Ali Sher, Rizwan Saeed, Salman Saeed, Hira Tariq, Zubair Malik, Asfar, Mustafa, Sadd Azhar, Maira Sarfraz and Shumail Butt) came to Lahore School of Economics to promote their movie on Feb 10, 2016.

Session was started by a short speech on the revival of Pakistan Cinema after which cast and crew took over. They gave insightful answers to all the various film and Pakistani Cinema related questions asked by the students. Other than this the crew also showed behind the scenes videos of Sanam, Mohib and Adeel Hashmi (guest role).
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/22/2016 09:45:00 AM,

Advertising Symposium

IDEA - an Advertising Symposium was organised by Lahore School Marketing Society on February 9, 2016 in Main Library, LSE. The session was moderated by Ms Komal Sultan. The Panel-lists included, Asad Rizvi - MD Walter Pakistan, Babar Zafar - A TVC Director, Faisal Rehman - Actor/Model and Abdul Hadi - Product Manager at Coca Cola. The session was informative for the students of marketing and advertising.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/22/2016 09:43:00 AM,

Motivational Lecture

Faisal Qureshi is no stranger to the world of media being a former journalist who is now working in the movie "Phantom" addressed the Lahore School students on Feb 4, 2016.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/22/2016 09:41:00 AM,

Computer Workshops

Lahore School Creative Crew, Lahore School News and Broadcast Society and Lahore School Photographic Society (LSEPS) organized a Photoshop Workshop. The session was conducted by Muhammad Sikandar Bashir, the President of Lahore School News and Broadcast Society. Different basic tools of Photoshoping on CS5 were discussed. The students also learnt about opening a picture on CS5, moving the whole picture, cutting a part of picture and moving it, how to put text on the picture and much more.

The Coral Draw workshop was organized on February 8, 2016. Sarmad Agha, the President of Lahore School Creative Crew introduced students with solutions relevant to designing banners, posters, logos and many more. The essential skills of graphic designing and arts on the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 were also discussed.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/22/2016 09:39:00 AM,

Sharing Joy

Lahore School of Economics Corporate Social Responsibility Center (LSECSRC) arranged winter fiesta at Rising Sun Institute. The event consisted of variety of winter related activities especially geared towards children at Rising Sun. Lahore School students volunteered for the event and creatively designed fun filled activities to celebrate winter season. Both the parties enjoyed their time spent together. The activities included storytelling, face painting, snowman making, snowflakes decorations, and winter worksheets to name a few.

In another event, LSECSRC also organized a card making competition at Green Earth Roshni School. The aim was to collectively wish cancer patients at children ward in Shaukat Khanam Hospital. It gave Roshni students an opportunity to express their heartfelt emotions and to reach out to others facing tough times. Students of Green Earth Roshni School and volunteers from Lahore School brainstormed creative ideas and came up with amazing warm wishes for the cancer patients.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/22/2016 09:37:00 AM,


The Lahore School Entrepreneurial and Business Society (LS-EBS) organized a workshop by Plan-9 on Feb 18, 2016. Plan-9 is government funded technology incubation center which over a period of 5 years has hatched around 150 + new business ideas. Organizations like these, call attention to the rising talents of the country.

Mr. Nabeel A. Qadeer, Joint Director, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development had a very interactive session for students interested in starting up their own businesses. He stirred the conversation up by talking about how plan-9 emerged as a knight in shining armour for all young entrepreneurs, back in 2012. He then directed the conversation towards making students understand the path to entrepreneurship, where he discussed different phases, from identifying the problem to the last stage where they pivot changes.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/20/2016 01:36:00 PM,

Pakistan Milk Market

Mr. Asad Rizvi, Managing Director Walter Pakistan delivered a lecture to the graduating MBA students of the Lahore School of Economics on February 19, 2016.

Mr. Rizvi told the students the techniques of how a company enters into market by creating value that is different from its competitors. The speaker gave examples of the two giants, Nestle and Haleeb that are present in the food industry for many years and how successfully serving the nation with pure clean, packaged milk. Pakistan being the fourth largest milk producing nation, there are lot of potentials for new entrants in the market. The speaker also gave examples of Olpers and Engro – important players in the Pakistan milk market.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/19/2016 03:47:00 PM,

Supply Chain

Mr. Nadeem Rehmani, COO Sapphire Group was invited to the Lahore School of Economics to deliver a talk to the MBA students on February 18, 2016.

Following are the salient features of Mr. Rehmani’s talk:

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/19/2016 03:46:00 PM,

The Pakistani Diaspora: Strengthening Linkages Between Host and Home Countries - Day 2

Happening Now 

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/17/2016 02:36:00 PM,

The Pakistani Diaspora: Strengthening Linkages Between Host and Home Countries

Happening Now

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/16/2016 02:39:00 PM,

International Conference on the Pakistani Diaspora: Strengthening Linkages Between Host and Home Countries

Lahore School of Economics

Centre on International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora


February 16-17, 2016

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/15/2016 02:31:00 PM,

Branding Pakistan

Lahore School of Economics Youth Development Corp hosted their first event of the year on Feb 1, 2016. The theme of the discussion was 'Branding Pakistan". The main objective was to change the perception of Pakistan and how to achieve the Vision 2025 of Pakistan as laid down by the government.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/01/2016 11:00:00 AM,

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